On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:38 AM, Fernando Perez
<rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> Jeremy McAnally wrote:
>> They are likely marked ":nodoc:" in the source, which means RDoc is
>> supposed to skip them.
> Why is the documentation for these methods hidden from the public? The
> method is still invokable. If really they wanted people to not know
> about such methods and to prevent them from using them, why not make
> these methods as protected/private or change how the encapsulation is
> done?

Making them private doesn't make them inaccessible.  In Ruby nothing
is really private like one might expect from experience with Java or

> irb
>> s = ' foo '
=> " foo "
>> s.private_methods.include? 'pp'
=> true
>> s.pp
NoMethodError: private method `pp' called for " foo ":String
        from (irb):3
        from :0
>> s.send( :pp, ' foo ' )
" foo "
=> nil

Greg Donald

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