Frederick Cheung wrote:
> well s.unpack("U*") will turn a string into a array of integers (utf
> code points) that it should then be easy to split into bytes. I'd
> start from scratch rather than using url_encode though.

Thanks! Fred.

>> "中文".unpack("C*")
=> [228, 184, 173, 230, 150, 135]
 > ERB::Util.url_encode("中文")
> => "%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87"

For the first time,I have a little idea what url_encode is doing.

>> "中文".unpack("U*")
=> [20013, 25991]

So, it is a way turning [20013, 25991] to '%D6%D0%CE%C4', right?

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