This latest info rules out JS-off or a noscript plugin -

On 30-Mar-09, at 1:22 PM, Frederick Cheung wrote:
> On Mar 30, 4:09 pm, Jodi Showers <> wrote:
>> I've been faced the the following symptoms for some time.
>> I have links coded as :post or :put, so I can make sure that bots
>> aren't hitting particular links.
>> But it something is either hitting them as :get through an error I've
>> made (like link_to not working well in some browsers?), or there's 1
>> or more plugins that pre load urls; or I have scrapers.
> A browser with js turned off would also do this (or using a firefox
> plugin like noscript to only have it on for certain websites)
> Fred

Here's the markup where the link is:

<a style="margin-left: 0pt; padding-left: 0pt; font-size: 16px; margin- 
bottom: 60px;" onclick="Windows.overlayHideEffectOptions = {duration:  
, options: {method: 'post'}}, {title:'Contact Us', className:  
'bluelighting', width: 290, height: 450, destroyOnClose: true,  
draggable: true, evalScripts: true});; return false;" href="#"><img  
style="margin-right: 5px;" alt="Email Contex Roofing Company Ltd."  
src="/images/contact_email.jpg"/><img style="margin-right: 5px;"  
alt="Phone Contex Roofing Company Ltd." src="/images/ 
contact_phone.jpg"/><span style="font-size: 14px;">Contact: Contex  
Roofing Company Ltd.</span></a>

The bot/human is reaching the url 
", but you can see the href = '#' - so something is scanning the html,  
looking for urls to harvest.

So looks like either a bot or a page preloader...

I don't mind pre-loaders - so I think I'll see if I can find a patter  
in the plugins loaded..and if I don't find a plugin then this could  
work as a honeypot.

I guess I don't have a specific question - merely symptoms - hopeful  
that someone may have faced such a thing.


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