So, as I introduced myself to ActiveRecord, I asked our IT department
to install activerecord and this hierarchy popped up on the system:

then I was able to do this
irb(main):003:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> require 'activerecord'
=> true

Now I realize FasterCSV, and perhaps migrations would be handy.  I'm
not building a web application at the moment, rather I'm building a
command line api to our DB using ActiveRecord for ORM.  However
perhaps one day in the future I'll be allowed a rails developed web

So, do I ask the IT department to install Ruby on Rails or continue
asking for particular packages?  I'd rather just get the whole thing.
If so, will an install of "rails" override or interfere with already
installed rails libraries?  They will only install RedHat 5 managed
packages without a huge fight.  Other packages, I have to compile and
install in my own user space (/home).

This is on a RedHat RHEL 5 system (uname = 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5).

Cheers and thanks!
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