Hello Fred,

With Ruby and Rails a whole new experience its sometimes difficult to
even frame a coherent question.  So thank you your answers and for
going a step further and adding some very helpful explanation.  It
clarified my thinking

Since I don't want to operate without protect_against_forgery and
implementing a workaround isn't where I need to be spending time now,
I searched about and came across some exmaples of a 'tableless'
arrangement that implemented well with some minor modification.

Thanks again.

On Apr 3, 5:43 pm, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com>
> On Apr 3, 10:13 pm, zambezi <b.but...@overhydration.org> wrote:
> > The punt didn't go far. This "fix" perhaps not unexpectedly resulted
> > in the next error: "ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken".
> > Sooo, I'm at the deep end of the pool here.  I really didn't want to
> > learn all about authenticity tokens at this stage of my learning
> > ruby.  Any further suggestions will be much appreciated as to how to
> > get past this error.
> Very short version: to protect against CSRF attacks, forms generated
> by rails have a hidden input with a magic token. Together with the
> session this helps verify that a request isn't been faked by a CSRF
> attack. With the protect_against_forgery returning false thing you've
> stopped your form trying to make such a token, but you still need to
> make the other end not expect a token. One way is to make your form
> use the GET method, another is to skip the verify_authenticity_token
> filter in the appropriate controller.
> Fred
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