On 7 Apr 2009, at 17:52, Alberto Perdomo wrote:

>> That but use X-Sendfile or X-accel-redirect: this makes apache/nginx
>> send the file, rather than funnelling it through ruby. All your rails
>> controller does (assuming the person is  authorized) is set a header
>> in the response saying 'send them this file')
> How does X-Sendfile behave when turned on and using mongrel for
> development on the local machine?
> Will mongrel serve the file or not?

Mongrel will ignore that. Personally I run via apache in development,  
so it all works as in production
> Maybe it makes sense to turn X-Sendfile off in config/environments/
> development.rb to have mongrel serve the files when developing?

Sounds reasonable if it doesn't match your development setup.

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