Hmmm.. Are Cat and Dog associated to the Person model?
> there may not always be a @cat or @dog

Meaning the parameters for these models will be passed in from the
form but they will be empty? In which case you can have a
before_validation callback and check if all the params for these
models are blank. If they are, then return false. This will still
throw a "Cat/Dog is invalid" validation error. That can be handled by
hacking into error_messages_for. Its all quite ugly but it works.
I can tell you more if you can explain the context better.

On Apr 7, 2:26 pm, sshefer <> wrote:
> Jim Neath's walkthru (
> validations-in-ruby-on-rails/) talks about validating multiple objects
> before saving.  His example is below:
> if @person.valid? & @cat.valid? & @dog.valid?
>   Person.transaction do
>   end
> else
>   FAIL
> end
> I am trying to do something similar but in my situation there may not
> always be a @cat or @dog (there will always be a @person though).
> Does anyone know of a way that I can run the same validation but allow
> for the conditional presence of the 2 objects?
> Thanks.
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