Hi Alain

I tried prawn for pdf creation.

1. gem install prawn
2. script/plugin install git://github.com/thorny-sun/prawnto.git
2. In environment.rb file add the line config.gem 'prawn'
3. i wrote in the following code in "show.pdf.prawn" it's located 
in(/app/view/orders/show.pdf.prawn) pdf.text "Hello, World!"
4. In my controller is
   def show

5. http://localhost:3001/orders/show
6. In this aspect where to give the file name?

How to create simple pdf file using prawn library i followed this url
but can create the simple file this format
def show
Prawn::Document.generate "hello-ttf.pdf" do
  fill_color "0000ff"

  text "Hello World", :at => [200,720], :size => 32
  text "This is chalkboard wrapping " * 20


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