2009/4/9 Phlip <phlip2...@gmail.com>

> >> <div id="<%= post.title %>" style="display: none;">
> > Just make sure that <%= post.title %> is unique for the page.
> An id must conform to roughly the same rules as a JavaScript identifier. No
> leading numbers, no spaces, no funny business. Of course no browser bothers
> to
> enforce that, but such rules exist to help us Rails programmers write
> rigorous
> code that goes far beyond "browser forgiveness".
> <div id="post_<%= post.id %>" style="display: none;">
> Just to complicate things, it was recommended in the past not to use
underscores for id and class names because of the css specs.
I don't think it's a problem these days but I started to hyphenate in place
of underscoring because I noticed my syntax highlighter didn't like
underscores which led me to this whole weird issue.

Daniel Bush


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