With a day to let this sit, I thought more about it (and did more  
searches), and did not find anything compartmentalized to handle this.  
I'll probably move forward with making this into a gem. Is anyone  
interested? Are there particular features you'd like to see this handle?


On Apr 7, 2009, at 12:50 PM, Kevin Elliott wrote:

> Forgive me if this has been solved in its entirety, although I've only
> seen bits and pieces of this solved in various ways. I'm hoping a few
> of you have figured out an elegant solution to this problem.
> Over time I've noticed that it would be immensely helpful if we were
> able to easily correlate which git commit version was running in all
> of our environments of our application. Capistrano is kind and stores
> this deployment version value in REVISION, and the deployment time in
> the timestamp of the deployment directory.
> Seth Ladd wrote about a couple of helper methods he wrote to acquire
> these values at 
> http://blog.semergence.com/2008/11/03/displaying-deployment-date-and-time-and-git-revision-number-in-rails-views
> I'd like to take this up a notch and mark known good commits with
> releases (i.e. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, etc). At the footer of all pages,
> it would be excellent to be able to see something like "PROD - 1.0
> (3425)" (ENVIRONMENT - VERSION (BUILD)) where BUILD corresponds to a
> git commit hash (somehow). I'd like to be able to catalog which commit
> hash maps to which version (and do this semi-automatically, through a
> rake/cap task, aka: cap deploy:version:increment only when a major/
> minor release occurs).
> Then, I'd also like to extract all dependency version numbers, and
> combine all of this into exception reporting. So when an exception is
> thrown (gracefully to the end user with an error page), email is
> generated with:
>       environment (production, staging, development, etc)
>       particular app server hostname/ip/port
>       app version (1.0, 1.0.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc)
>       build version (3425)
>       git commit hash
>       dependent gems and plugins
>       versions of each gem and plugin REQUIRED for the release
>       versions of each gem and plugin installed
> Is anyone aware of a single tool that has combined all of this
> together? There are certainly some solutions, such as
> exception_notifier, hoptoad, etc, which do the exception
> notifications, but do not handle "release management" or release
> correlation.
> If not, I think this might be worthy of a plugin or gem that I'd
> consider building.
> -Kevin
> >

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