Thanks a lot for your reply Fred. First, I checked with my app : I
started it fine without the cluster (script/server -e production) and
it worked nice. Then I created a basic app without any plugin (rails
test), showing only the standard page Welcome aboard. Again it worked
fine without the cluster. When I create it (mongrel_rails
cluster::configure -e production -p 3010 -N 2 -c /my/path/test -a
127.0.01 --prefix /test) and launch it (mongrel_rails cluster::start)
then I get the error reported in log/mongrel.3010.log. So wouldn'it be
mongrel_cluster which causes the problem ?

On 9 avr, 00:44, Frederick Cheung <> wrote:
> On Apr 8, 10:16 pm, Madchipset <> wrote:> When I do this 
> migration and I want to launch mongrel_cluster
> > (mongrel_rails cluster::start), I get an error :
> > ** Starting Mongrel listening at
> > ** Starting Rails with production environment...
> > ** Mounting Rails at /test...
> > /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/
> > dependencies.rb:440:in `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant
> > ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError)
> > ......................................
> > No plugins. It's just a basic rails app showing only the standard
> > index page.
> Definitely sounds like a plugin or monkey patch issue to me -
> AbstractRequest was a class that disappeared in rails 2.3. I'd start
> by searching your code for that and see what comes up.
> Fred
> > Thanks for your help if someone has an idea.
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