I would suggest not creating two tables. This falls into the domain of
access control and I would recommend looking at Acl9

As for information pertaining only to clients or contractors, you
could use a single User model and add contact details to it. Or you
could go with straight table inheritance if phone numbers and
addresses are all you need.

On Apr 11, 11:29 pm, Nik <niks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the help Philip. -- clients and contractor get their own
> passwords for access to a project's home page. In the project's home
> page, a few things can be done by both clients and contractors and
> other things only one or the other party can do. And these 'things" (I
> am terribly sorry to have to hide them) they do are stored in several
> other tables. Hence my thought of using the authenticate + authorize
> (users/roles/rights) system from Rails Recipes. But then those sort of
> solid info like address, phone #1, phone #2, #3, ..., e-mail #1,
> #2, ..., and preferred payment column, sort of things only apply to
> either clients or contractor. So I was confused what to do about these
> columns.
> So you would suggest a client table and a contractor table.
> Thank You!
> On Apr 10, 3:59 pm, Philip Hallstrom <phi...@pjkh.com> wrote:
> > Not knowing too much about your application, it sounds like the *only*  
> > things that a client and contractor really share is a username and  
> > password.  Ignoring the "address" for a moment (as you could just  
> > create an Address model) it seems like you might have a lot of reasons  
> > for creating completely separate models: Client and Contractor.
> > Assuming this is some sort of PM system I imagine the things they can  
> > do and the properties they have will pretty different.
> > On Apr 10, 2009, at 3:42 PM, Nik wrote:
> > > Hello All,
> > > I have a User Model at the moment that has only username, password,
> > > and roles. As you might guess, I can add to the User Model a phone
> > > column which our clients have and our contractors also have. Many
> > > other attributes may be share by both actually. But then only a client
> > > can have a "rate" column, and a company association and other things.
> > > And only a contractor can have, say, an internal FTP login/password
> > > pair.
> > > I don't quite know the nature of rules on deciding just how I should
> > > do about these un-shared attributes, I know that I use the "roles"
> > > column to differentiate a client and a contractor (learned from Raile
> > > Recipes); should I pool all attribute into User Model anyway and then
> > > find a mechanism to permit/forbid a client to see the contractor only
> > > attrib and vice versa? or two other tables one being
> > > contractor_only_properties and the other client_only_properties? I
> > > feel that having to build a table for each role seems a bit, I am very
> > > unlikely to be right, inflexible or at least un-easily-extensible
> > > (sorry for making words like this).
> > > Your (any) opinion is very valuable to me and I thank you for spending
> > > your time reading my problem
> > > All my best,
> > > Nik
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