On Apr 14, 10:55 pm, steveluscher <goo...@steveluscher.com> wrote:
> What do you think is the best way to prevent overselling in this case?
> I've considered:
> * Table locking (sucks)
> * Setting a lock file per-Product (filesystem-y and not elegantly
> scalable past one machine)
> * Setting a lock variable per-Product in a memcached store
> * A single-worker queue that validates and processes orders in
> sequence
> * A per Product single-worker queue that validates and processes
> orders in sequence
> * Something I haven't considered?

It sort of depends where the information that only 3 more orders for
Product X lives.
For example if the products table has a stock_remaining column, then
for me the natural thing to do would be to use optimistic locking on
the products table
I wrote up some possibilities at 

> What do you think?
> Steve!
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