Makes sense just to add conditions to the associations

class Photo
  has_many :votes, :conditions => ['active = ? ', true]

I presume this is what you're planning on doing at the moment?

Less work and I doubt the scope would perform noticeably better (if at
all) ?

Why not try both methods and check the speed of each query?

On Apr 15, 9:58 pm, Bryan Corey <>
> Hello all,
> We are converting our application so that user-generated content such as
> votes, photos, users, comments, etc are all disabled instead of deleted.
> This serves us better as administrators of the site as well as fits into
> a UI redesign coming later that will include undo functionality. The
> question I have is would it be better to place the active=true condition
> part of all my associations I already have in place (little work), or do
> I strip my associations down to barebones and build named_scopes for my
> "active" state, and any other states? The problem here is I would need
> to append nearly all calls to photo.votes, photo.comments,
>, project.votes, etc with .active (much more work).
> Which is the better method in the long run? Thanks guys.
> --
> Posted via
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