Srdjan Pejic wrote:
> I don't know if STI is appropriate here.

On second thought, you're absolutely right.  I don't know what the heck 
I was thinking. :)

> You should probably have a model called Rating which is the many side
> of one-to-many with the User model. The Rating model should be
> polymorphic so that you can use it to rate both Word and Quote
> objects.

Yeah, this is what I was trying for.  I just introduced STI in an 
inappropriate place.

Note, though, that *not* using STI makes foreign-key validation somewhat 

> So, it would most likely look like this:
> class User
>   :has_many => :ratings
> end
> class Rating
>   :belongs_to => :user
>   :belongs_to => :rated, :polymorphic => true
> end
> class Word
>   :has_one :rating, :as => :rated
> end
> class Quote
>   :has_one :rating, :as => :rated
> end

Those should be has_many...

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