Sorry - should have explained:

If you use the form_tag method then you can't pass a variable like |f|

you'd have to replace things like
f.text_field :your_field


text_field :system, :your_field

and use the error_messages_for method instead:

I think you can use form_for as you did before but write it like:

<% form_for :system, :url => {:action => :create} do |f| %>

This would be the easiest option but I'm not 100% sure if that works
with a singular resource.

Would be curious to find out if it does?

On Apr 20, 10:14 am, "Paul A." <>
> Gavin Morrice wrote:
> > try...
> > <% form_tag system_path do %>
> Thanks, Gavin. When I do this, I get an error at the line 2 about:
> <%= f.error_messages %>
> To solve it, I had just rewrite this line with:
> <%= error_messages %>
> But an other error message is occuring, saying that "error_messages" is
> not defined (if I remember well).
> --
> Posted via
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