On Apr 20, 10:26 am, Joshua Muheim <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> Well, it seems that obj.valid? and obj.save remove all manually added
> errors?!
> @comment.errors.add_to_base("Captcha wurde nicht korrekt
> eingegeben")
> raise "valid? #...@comment.valid?} - errors:
> #...@comment.errors.inspect}"
> results in "valid? false - errors: #<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x23d028c
> @base=#<Comment id: nil, commentable_id: 38313, user_id: 1, subject: "",
> body: "", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, commentable_type:
> "Article">, @errors={"body"=>["can't be blank"], "subject"=>["can't be
> blank"]}>"
> and
> raise "errors: #...@comment.errors.inspect}"
> results in "errors: #<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x1878538 @base=#<Comment id:
> nil, commentable_id: 38313, user_id: 1, subject: "", body: "",
> created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, commentable_type: "Article">,
> @errors={"base"=>["Captcha wurde nicht korrekt eingegeben"]}>"
> Why the heck does ActiveRecord remove my custom errors when calling
> .valid???
Calling valid? recomputes the errors (there's no difference at the end
of the day between an error you added yourself and one from a 'normal'
validations. If you want to add errors yourself you should be doing so
from a validation
> Thanks a lot for help
> Josh
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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