On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Marnen Laibow-Koser <mar...@marnen.org> wrote:

> Yes, you have to *understand* the DB, but that often does not require
> changes to well-written code.  I have written and maintained complex
> applications that were deployed on both mySQL and PostgreSQL, often
> simultaneously.  ActiveRecord really *does* insulate the developer
> from a lot of DB-specific stuff -- if the developer is smart and
> writes DB-neutrally.

When you use *standard AR associations* -- no custom SQL at all --
and it runs on one DB and fails on another, I'd say you need to know
a little more about those DBs. Wouldn't you?  :-)

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com

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