On Apr 20, 2:55 pm, Joshua Muheim <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> Fernando Perez wrote:
> >> I guess it has something to do with acts_as_state_machine?
> > Yes. Don't you read the source code of your plugins before using them?
> > That's bold.
> OK, I read some of the source code of the plugin. Sadly I'm no very
> experienced Ruby programmer, so I have a question.
> Where does a new record get saved to the DB when calling register!?
> >> record = User.new({ :login => 'quire', :email => 'qu...@example.com', 
> >> :password => 'quire', :password_confirmation => 'quire' })
> => #<User id: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, login: "quire",
> email: "qu...@example.com", remember_token: nil, crypted_password: nil,
> password_reset_code: nil, salt: nil, activation_code: nil,
> remember_token_expires_at: nil, activated_at: nil, deleted_at: nil,
> state: "passive", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>>> record.new_record?
> => true
> >> record.register!
> => true
> >> record.new_record?
> => false
> I'm trying to get into this plugin, but it seems very tricky to me...
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

The record gets saved by aasm (acts_as_state_machine). By using this
plugin, your model has different "states" that is stored most likely
in a :state column. When you call register or register! on your model,
it is telling aasm to change the state of your model:

event :register do
    transitions :from => :passive, :to => :pending, :guard => Proc.new
{|u| !(u.crypted_password.blank? && u.password.blank?) }

In this case, it's changing your model from the :passive state to
the :pending state. What happens at this point is that
make_activation_code is called because of this line:

state :pending, :enter => :make_activation_code.

Your model is saved after you call register because aasm changes the
state of the model and then saves that model.

Hopefully this helps.

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