Cisco Ri wrote:
> Ar Chron wrote:
>> Umm... no.
>> Table 'users' already has an implicit 'id' field (you don't have to 
>> mention them in your migrations), just like your 'links' table does. If 
>> you are sticking to the rails standard, you needn't declare them, they 
>> are the rails default primary key for their respective tables.
>> In your 'links' table, a 'user_id' field tells rails that:
>> a) this field, 'user_id', contains an id to a record in another table - 
>> i.e., this record "belongs to" that record in that table over there,
>> and that
>> b) the related table is 'users' (field name - '_id', pluralized).
> Thanks for letting me know.  In links/new, how would I go about 
> including the current user_id?  The only way I know of would be a hidden 
> form element, and I would like to keep it all server side.

Hi Cisco,

I will post my solution later tonight.  I'm at work so I don't have 
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