Rafael Schaer { beYou media } wrote:
> start your server with
> script/server --debugger
> or
> script/server -u   (this is the same)
> then set a breakpoint in this method like
> def find_cart
>    debugger
>    session[:cart] ||= Cart.new
> end
> then you can look, what is exactly in your session var
> the development.log output of the console changes into irb mode
> where you have access to all current given / set vars.
> be careful, WHERE you are. If you are in the controller and have a
> before_filter,
> you won't have access yet to all variables, so you'd have to look for
> an already set cart in your DB
> greez


Thanks for the response.  While you were posting, I searched on google 
for that rails error message.  I read a post where someone posted their 
development.log, so I poked around in my development.log, and I found 

  Status: 500 Internal Server Error
  can't dump hash with default proc

I took that to mean that I was trying to store an object in a session 
that I shouldn't be. So I started flipping through the back half of 
AWDWR(3rd), and in a section titled Cookies and Sessions/Rails 
Sessions(p. 473) the book says,

    Unlike raw cookies, sessions can hold any objects(as long as those 
objects can be
    marshaled), ...                                       marshal -> 
page 678

On p. 678 it says,

   If the objects to be dumped ["marshaled"] include bindings, procedure 
["proc"] or method objects, ...
   a TypeError will be raised.

This is my initialize() method in the Cart class(which is called by 

class Cart
  attr_reader :items

  def initialize
    @items = Hash.new do |hash, key|
      hash[key] = 0

So I guess assigning a Cart object to a session doesn't work because a 
Cart object has an internal object which is a Hash and that has a proc 
object associated with it??

I changed my code to use an array (like the book does), and I don't get 
that error message anymore.

I tried your 'debug' suggestion, but this is what happened:

/depot$ ruby script/server -u
=> Booting Mongrel
=> Rails 2.3.2 application starting on
You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging mode. With 
gems, use 'gem install ruby-debug'

So I'll have to install that gem.

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