> app/models/apple.rb:
> class Apple < ActiveRecord::Base
>    set_table_name 'oranges'
> end

I understand that I can set the table name from within the class.  It
just seemed to me that, in addition to that, I would have to somehow
alert Rails to the fact that the model for the 'oranges' table was
contained in a file named 'apple.rb'.  Otherwise, how would Rails know
to look for the Apple model in a file named apple.rb when the name of
the table is oranges?  Put differently, I thought that by default,
Rails looked for the model in a file with a name which was the
singular of the table name.  I don't see how I can tell it from within
a different file to look for that different file as it would have to
have found the different file to know that in the first place.  Am I
making any sense?  Do you see why I am confused?

Thanks for the input.

         ... doug
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