On Apr 27, 8:49 am, Tam Kbe <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to submit a link using:
> <%= link_to_remote "&nbsp;&nbsp;add selected",
>     :html =>{:id => 'multiple_select_form'},
>     :url => { :controller => "sms",
>     :action => "add_selected_to_recipients_list",
>     :recipients_session_id => @recipientSessionID},
>    :with => "'checked_client_array='+
> document.getElementsByName('checked_client_array') "
>  %>
Your with clause should evaluate to a query string fragment  (ie
name1=value1&name2=value2 etc...), which it doesn't in your case -
you've just got some DOM collection or something like that. You need
to construct an appropriate query string fragment from that
collection. Prototype has various helpers for dealing with this (eg


> where checked_client_array is a name of a list of checkboxes such as is:
> <input type="checkbox" id="checked_client_array"
> name="checked_client_array" value="<%= the_client.id %>">
> what I get inside Rails console:
> {"checked_client_array"=>"[object HTMLCollection]",
> "recipients_session_id"=>"recipients_list"}
> if I put the boxes inside regular form it works fine by I want to be
> submitted from another form so that's why I'm using the :with property
> for the remote link.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong and how I can submit it regularly.
> Thanks,
> TAm
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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