Robert Walker wrote:
> Trying not to fall into the trap that resources and models are 
> one-to-one. Resources are independent of any back-end storage model.

That's true, but for the typical simple Rails app, they map pretty 

> I'm not exactly sure how having the action in the URL is any more 
> friendly to SEO.

More friendly than what?  The OP didn't mention an alternative, and 
neither did you.

> I'm not SEO expert, but if that's the case it sounds 
> like it's SEO that's broken. That's not how the traditional "static" web 
> is designed.

The traditional "static" Web isn't designed for applications at all! 
The rise of Web applications has fostered a lot of clever abuse of HTTP 
and URL syntax.  REST HTTP is a particularly clever and well-thought-out 
example of such abuse.

> Uniform Resource Identifiers are all about about getting, posting, 
> putting or deleting things. The "action" is not part of the URI. The 
> action is dependent on the HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE) used in 
> the request and is independent of the URI.

True in the REST sense of "action".  Not true in the Rails sense of 

Personally, I see nothing wrong in having /object/change_color right 
alongside /object/create, /object/show, and all the REST. :)

> The RESTful approach to dynamic web applications intends to bring this 
> concept back. It's unfortunate that web browsers don't fully support 
> this concept, but Rails does an adequate job remedying their 
> shortcomings.

Yes -- if you keep in mind that not everything can be expressed by a 
"standard" REST URL.

> What you need to keep in mind is that resources aren't controllers and 
> they certainly aren't models. Yes there will likely be controllers and 
> models supporting your resources, but they aren't the same thing.

No, but the OP probably doesn't need to worry about that right away. 
For learning purposes, a resource can be thought of as a model object 
for simplicity's sake.

> Check out these links for a lot more reliable explanation than I could 
> ever provide myself:

I'll have to look at those.  I am, however, not convinced that such 
abstruse theoretical discussion will be much help to the OP, who seems 
to be just trying to use RESTful design patterns in a simple app.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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