for some reason, i am having the hardest time with the simplest possible
use of a visual effect..

i have done this a million times, and this is first time i have had this
much trouble.

here's what i am trying to do:

1. set up a div with a link_to_remote that references its containing div
2. once some backend processing is done, the generated javascript will
remove the div[2].

everything works fine.. the action gets fired off.. everything that
needs to happen happens.


the div does not PUFF go away..

any help would be appreciated..



| <% dom_id =  "}" -%>
| <div id="<%= dom_id %> "  ><%= @desc.desc_type  %>: 
|   <%= text_field_tag "description...@desc.field_desc}]" %>
|   <%=link_to_remote "remove", :url => {:action => "remove_item", :desc_id =>}, :complete => visual_effect(:puff, dom_id, :duration => 0.5 ) %>
| </div>


| <div id="desc_entry_2 "  >Short Description: 
|   <input id="description_desc_short" name="description[desc_short]" 
type="text" />
|   <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('/admin/remove_item?desc_id=2', 
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts
| :true, onComplete:function(request){new 
| });}, parameters:'authenticity_token=' + 
| )}); return false;">remove</a>
| </div>
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