Yeah, that's right.  I thought it was dying before sending the sql
query, but i was reading my exception incorrectly.  I didn't believe
it was an array because I had seen no_method 'blah' for <Array:...>
before, but it through me off as it said Class.

So here's another dumb question... I can put [0] at the end of my[0] line, but is there a way to make named_scope
only return a single object of the activerecord type as opposed to an

On May 7, 10:04 am, Frederick Cheung <>
> On May 7, 5:58 pm, erik <> wrote:> I'm new to named_scope so 
> bear with me if this is dumb.
> > I have created two named scopes both using lambda to pass in
> > arguments.  One passes in a single argument and works great the other
> > passes in two arguments and doesn't work and gives me this error:
> I'm going to make a wild guess that this is because you're assuming
> that is a single object rather than an array
> (possibly containing only one row)
> Fred
> > undefined method `last_reference' for #<Class:0x4464cb4>
> > vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1833:in
> > `method_missing_without_paginate'
> > /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090201/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mislav-
> > will_paginate-2.3.8/lib/will_paginate/finder.rb:170:in
> > `method_missing'
> > vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb:171:in
> > `send'
> > vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb:171:in
> > `method_missing'
> > vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2003:in
> > `with_scope'
> > (__DELEGATION__):2:in `__send__'
> > (__DELEGATION__):2:in `with_scope'
> > app/controllers/orders_controller.rb:23:in `show'
> > The two named_scopes:
> > class OrderTrack < ActiveRecord::Base
> >     named_scope :one, lambda {|id,account_id| {:conditions => ["id = ?
> > and account_id = ?",id,account_id]}}
> >     named_scope :all, lambda {|account_id| {:conditions =>
> > ["account_id = ?",account_id]}}
> > end
> > I believe I need to use lambda to pass in arguments.  The
> > named_scope :all works great and ends up doing an sql query like:
> > SELECT * FROM `order_tracks` WHERE (account_id = 344)
> > But the single one that I want to end up doing something like:
> > SELECT * FROM `order_tracks` WHERE (id = 3 and account_id = 344)
> > doesn't want to work.
> > This is soft of a contrived example, but I'm just trying to see if I
> > understand this stuff.
> > Thanks.
> > Erik
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