The question isn't really a performance issue, but rather one of
customization. If users are likely to need to add values to an
enumeration, (example: category for a blog post), then a lookup table
is a good idea. If the values are substantially unlikely to change
(see your examples - marriage status and state) then there's not a lot
to be gained by complicating the DB.

--Matt Jones

On May 7, 3:43 am, Vipin <> wrote:
> in a database table if there is a field which has a certain set of
> fixed values. for example
> staus => {Single, Married, Divorced }
> OR
> state => {California, Albama, Olaska ...}
> so what should be preferred way out of the following for storing the
> values
> 1. Keep the field as "string(Rails)"  VARCHAR(MySQL) itself ....and
> while showing the field just show the field value.
> 2. Keep the field internally as a code like {:california =>
> 01, :albama => 02, washington => 03 ....} but while showing the state
> show only the corresponding state.
> By using option 2, a certain disadvantage is extra computation time
> required to find out corresponding state name based on code when
> showing the state field to user. But an advantage could be in terms of
> smaller database. In my opinion, saving 01 as an integer could save
> significant space than storing "california"  if number of records
> happen to be in tens of thousands .
> please suggest ??
> vipin
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