I think you may find there is no reliable way of achieving this, there was a
significant thread on this issue a little while ago.
What is the unwanted behaviour that you are seeing? Perhaps there is a
better solution.

2009/5/11 Shandy Nantz <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>

> I tried this:
> In View:
> <% func =  remote_function( :url => { :action => 'set_sessions_nil'} )
> -%>
> <body onunload = "<%= func %>">
> .....
> </body>
> In Controller:
> def set_sessions_nil
>  session[:user] = nil
>  session[:arranger] = nill
> end
> Pretty straight forward, but after I open and close a few windows my
> server running the localhost dies - it just sits there and does nothing,
> so don't try that a home.
> -S
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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