Hi Phil,

you sure can. For offline tasks, I usually go with a rake task (http://
railscasts.com/episodes/127-rake-in-background) or writing a ruby
script which is executed with ruby script/runner (this makes it
similar to running script/console and typing the code yourself).

However if all you want is ActiveRecord and your db config you can do

require 'rubygems'
require 'activerecord'

RAILS_ENV = (ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development")
RAILS_ROOT = "/location/to/my/rails_app"

# If we don't have a db connection, then parse the yml file, and
extract the db config for the relevant rails_env
unless ActiveRecord::Base.connected?
  db_options = YAML::load(File.read(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "config",

You will also need to require any models you want explicitly too, if
you go this route.


On May 13, 1:49 pm, phillee <philip.a....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello:
> I would like to write a ruby script that runs on its own, but still
> take advantage of the ActiveRecord configured by the web app. Is there
> an easy way to do this?
> Thanks in advance!
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