On May 13, 11:03 am, Shandy Nantz <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> I have this drop-down that get populated with "stuff." As I have
> recently found out, this "stuff" will either be all string values or all
> numerical values. I have the string values being ordered correctly but
> the numerical values are not. For example, this sequence of numbers
> 7007, 7100, 70100, 7009, 70200 get order as 7007, 7009, 70100, 70200,
> 7100. Is there a way to treat these strings as numbers instead of
> strings and order them as such?

Use a custom sort routine:

['10', '9', '8'].sort #=> ['10', '8', '9']
['10', '9', '8'].sort_by{|x| x.to_i} #=> ['8', '9', '10']
['10', '9', '8'].sort{|a, b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i} #=> ['8', '9', '10']

Does that help?

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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