Hi Wayne,

I think you're too anxious. Software development best practices are
not so specific to RoR, you can follow well established patterns
independent of the language/platform of choice. Regarding new
technologies and Rails-specific techniques, I just tend to ignore them
if they are not particularly useful/necessary to the project at any
given moment.

Cheers, Sazima

On May 17, 8:45 am, Wayne Molina <wayne.mol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As someone who has repeatedly tried to sit down and really pick up
> Ruby on Rails, the one deterrent I continually find is that the best
> way of doing things seem to change on a daily basis, and half the time
> nobody can agree with it.  Since my programming background is largely
> self-taught and without any formal CS education, I like to make a list
> of the "right" way to develop applications in a particular language/
> framework so I know that I'm going to be starting off on the right
> foot; this is in direct opposition to something like picking up a book
> on PHP, say, and cranking out junk sites and learning bad practices.
> In effect my problem is that whenever I sit down to really learn Rails
> (and I have almost a dozen books on it I've gathered over the past
> year, although a lot are from the prior edition - I have:  AWDWR 3rd
> Edition, Programming Ruby 2nd edition, The Ruby Way, The Rails Way,
> O'Reilly's Learning Rails, Ajax on Rails, Enterprise Rails, Apress
> Social Networking Sites with Rails, and RailsSpace) the community
> seems to have charged forward and changed its best practices, so it's
> just added a whole bunch of things I need to learn as well.
> For instance, the new thing seems to be BDD and RSpec, so I have to
> learn RSpec in addition to Rails and Ruby.  Git is used for version
> control, so that's something else.  RJS is out and unobtrusive stuff
> is in, so that means jQuery.  Hosting is now typically done with
> Phusion Passenger, so I have to learn Apache and that.  Finally with
> the Rails+Merb merger things are going to get shaken up even more so.
> I really want to learn Rails but the community seems to just keep
> jumping from one bandwagon to another without staying put long enough
> for somebody who didn't come aboard in 2005-2006 to ever get to
> speed.  Like I said I like to follow best practices because I come
> from .NET and I've seen what just slapping together code can do, and
> it's not pretty, so I feel like if I'm going to learn Rails, I need to
> learn it right from the start, not learn the "obsolete" way of writing
> it and then upgrade.
> Can somebody knock some sense into me in this regard?  I've been
> trying to learn Rails for over a year now and this is the main reason
> why I can never get more than basic tutorial-style stuff going on.
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