To do what you want with assert_select you can use
assert_select "form>span[title=required field]", 13
That is there should be 13 span elements with given title inside form

assert_select "form" do
  assert_select "span[title=required field]", 13
if you want to insist that all 13 are in the same form


2009/5/20 Jim Burgess <>

> Thanks for the answers
> I just looked again at the html rails is generating and in fact the
> element I'm looking for looks like this:
> <span title="required field">*</span>
> not:
> <span class="required_field">*</span>
> Would I test for this like so:
>      assert_select "form" do
>        assert_select("span.title.required field", :count => 13)
>      end
> When I run it, I get the error message:
> Expected at least 13 elements matching "span.required_field", found 0.
> I installed the recommended gem and using that the test works just fine:
>        assert_xhtml do
>          form :xpath! => 'count(.//span[ @title= "required field" ]) =
> 13'
>        end
> One question however, is there any way to turn off the " this
> sample..." aspect of the output, as if the does find any errors, it
> returns my entire html page.
> E.g.
>  1) Failure:
> test_index_view(FormControllerTest)
>  [c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/assert2-0.5.3/lib/assert2/xhtml.rb:327:in
> `assert_xhtml'
>     /test/functional/form_controller_test.rb:41:in `test_index_view'
>     /test/functional/form_controller_test.rb:37:in `test_index_view']:
> Could not find this reference...
> <form xpath!="count(.//span[ @class = &quot;required field&quot; ]) =
> 13"></form>
> this sample...
> 300 lines of html follow
> --
> Posted via
> >

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