
Clickatell rocks, go for it!

Cheers, Sazima

On May 20, 2:46 pm, Wayne Molina <wayne.mol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an idea for a new web-based application that involves the use
> of SMS notifications, however I can't assume a particular carrier.
> Most of the plugins I've seen like sms_fu require you to know the
> carrier in order to send a message; is there any way around this, or
> would I have to use an SMS gateway like CellTrust to handle this?  I'm
> going to need to both send and receive SMS messages (in case the users
> want to opt-out of notiifications)
> The app is still in the brainstorming stage, so I'm trying to gather
> information on it first to determine how complex it will be.
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