On May 23, 2:32 pm, Mike Rose <mfrosengar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Statistics on this may be quite variable as I know of a few companies
> local to me that are on and off with pair programming. I have done
> pair programming at one job and seen it very successful at a friends
> job. I use it when I teach RoR workshops, and I find it is quite
> helpful but does present some requirements: a base line of education
> and problem solving abilities.
> Overall I think it is a far superior way to develop software
> (especially web software) because I do believe more heads yield better
> code. But again, it requires those heads to have that base line
> education (a B.S. in Computer Science... or some other marker for a
> starting place) otherwise you will end up with a Sr. developer and a
> Jr. developer who never achieve one of the most beneficial goals of
> PP-- shared wisdom and an increase in skill. If the individuals in the
> pair are too far apart one will get left behind or one could
> potentially feel frustrated far too often.

I'd like to weigh into this one, even though it may be straying a
little off topic for a Ruby on Rails group, as I believe pair-
programming benefits always far outweigh any frustrations. Even with a
non-developer project manager background, I've paired with my
developers on small projects and have been able to add value and keep
the code flowing. The values I may add, such as SQL knowledge or just
spelling consistency, formatting, etc. really help, not to mention
just plain brainstorming an idea as to an approach to get it something
that is "stuck" moving forward.

In fact, geniuses like Martin Fowler have written that really good
code is readable by anyone, without much commenting.
--my $.02 --Wayne

> I've tried working with people far above me, far below me, and right
> around the same grounds. Really is fascinating what you can teach/
> learn from pairing though.
> On May 23, 8:32 am, Hassan Schroeder <hassan.schroe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Phlip <phlip2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > (Y'all _do_ practice Pair Programming, don't you??)
> > Nope. Never had the opportunity.  You?  :-)
> > It's an interesting idea, with at least one major practical drawback,
> > but I wonder what percentage of Rails development is *actually*
> > being done in a Pair Programming environment.
> > --
> > Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
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