Hello All,

I have problem with select_tag and observe_field. I get following error

" NoMethodError in Businesses#plan_pricing

Showing app/views/businesses/_refresh_subscription_types.html.haml where
line #1 raised:

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.collect"

following is source code
code for  "_plan_pricing.html.haml"

= error_messages_for :business
        - form_for :business, @business, :url =>
polymorphic_path(@business), :html => {:class => 'MainForm'} do |f|
          = select_tag 'plan_id',
options_for_select(Plan.find(:all).collect {|plan| [ plan.title, plan.id
] })
          = observe_field('plan_id', :url => {:controller => 'users',
:action => :refresh_subscription_types }, :update =>
:refresh_subcription_types, :with => "'plan_id=' + $('plan_id').value")
            = render :partial =>
'businesses/refresh_subscription_types', :layout => 'false'
          %p= submit_tag :next_page.l
code for "_refresh_subscription_types.html.haml"

= select_tag 'subscription',
options_for_select(@subscription_types.collect {|subscription_type| [
subscription_type.title, subscription_type.id ] })


code in "controller"

 def refresh_subscription_types
  @subscription_types = SubscriptionType.find(:all, :conditions =>
{:plan_id => params[:plan_id]})
        respond_to do |format|
      format.html {
        render :partial => 'businesses/refresh_subscription_types',
:layout => 'false'

Here i get "@subscription_types" object nil , when I render
"_plan_pricing.html.haml" first time.

Please tell me where i am doing wrong.

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