We have an app that is in production with Rails 2.1.2 and I'm about to
upgrade to 2.3.2.  However, I am having a problem with a number of
AJAX calls and I could really use some help.  The client will make an
AJAX call to receive a json response, and the response includes an
html string as one member of the json data object.

We render the html to a string (render_to_string).  and return the
object.  However, in the 2.3.2 version, we are receiving an erorr that
some of the partials called inside of the render can't be found.  I've
isolated it to the partials that aren't fully qualified names.  For
example, this appears to fail:

render :partial => 'comments/partial_name'

If I change it to :

render :partial => 'comments/partial_name.html.erb'

and it works. It appears as though the fact that the call is a JSON
request from the client is causing the render engine not to search
for .html and .html.erb in the path, thus they fail.

Any ideas?


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