Hi everyone.

I´m working on application that has a "has_and_belongs_to_many" betwen
two models: "expedientes" and "documentos".
When I´m on the console, I need to pass a Expedientes Array to
documentos, otherwise I get a ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch

>> d=Documento.new
=> #<Documento id: nil...
>> d.expedientes=[1]
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: Expediente(#18729340) expected,
got Fixnum(#108610)
>> d.expedientes="1"
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: Expediente(#18729340) expected,
got String(#113650)
>> d.expedientes=Expediente.find("1")
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for #<Expediente:0x23a96a0>
>> d.expedientes=[Expediente.find("1")]
=> [#<Expediente id: 1, ...That´s ok!

How must I made this relationship from the view?
I´ve mading a Form.hidden_field from the view "new" with the name
"expedientes" and the value of the expediente.id of the
relationship,but seems incorrect.

What´s the best way to do that?

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