Yes, I know this is more specifically an Apache question, but you guys
in this group know this stuff forwards & backwards it seems.

I am running the glassfish gem (in lieu of mongrel) on port 81. If I
go to I get my rails app up beautifully.
Unfortunately, I am also required to have Apache 1.3.33 running on the
production server.

So I am trying to mod_proxy the site to the url with port 81 that I
know works. Here is how I have the VirtualHost in my httpd.conf file
set up:

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerName gg
    DocumentRoot C:/jruby/rails_apps/gg
    ProxyPass /gg
    ProxyPassReverse /gg
    <Location /gg>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

Ive also have unremmed:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
AddModule mod_proxy.c

whenever I go to hit I get a 404 not found error.
I am certain my document root is correct. Can you fellows here who
have done this tell me what I am missing? Thanks, Janna B.

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