Thanks - I understand that part now!

I put scraper.rb in my Libs folder
I put scraper.rake in my libs/tasks

I took the end portion of scraper.rb and removed it placing it in my 
rake file:

desc "This task will parse data from and upload the data to our 
task :scraper => :environment do
  # In our search we are supplying the website url to parse, the type of 
element (ex: table), the class name of that element
  # and the child element that contains the data we wish to retrieve.
  offensive_rushing ='',
    'table', 'statstable', '//tr')

And it did a print out when I called the rake..  So, now I'll have to 
test this with the database and see how it works...

Thanks a ton (I understand it now)..

The part that was => environment do was telling my rake task to make 
sure that the environment was fully loaded before running it.

So, if I wanted to run another rake task in the same rake file and I 
wanted to make sure the first was done, I'd do something like:

task: next_task => :scraper do
  # code

which would make it run only after the scraper task had finished..

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