def configure
       @project = Project.find( params[:id], :include => { :floors => :rooms } )
       @floors = @project.floors
       @rooms = { |f| f.rooms }.flatten

Maurício Linhares |

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 10:18 AM, jhaagmans<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a large project that handles quite some AJAX and
> database interactions in short periods of time.
> I'll simplify the project to an example. Say we're building houses and
> a housebuilding project consists of floors and rooms, then to load a
> configurator to edit the room and floor structure we would want to
> load a project, which contains a few floors and each floor will
> contain a few rooms. I would want to load the floors in a project, but
> also the rooms in the floor that has been set to active using the "a"
> flag. The other rooms are loaded when another floor is activated.
> The models are built in a way so that a project has_many floors and a
> floor has_many rooms. A room belongs_to a floor and a floor belongs_to
> a project.
> I could do this:
> def configure
>       �...@project = Project.find(:first, :conditions => { :id => params
> [:id] } )
>       �...@floors = Floor.find(:all, :conditions => { :project_id =>
> })
>       �...@rooms = Room.find(:all, :conditions => { :floor_id => Floor.find
> (:first, :conditions => { :project_id =>, :a =>
> true } ).id })
> end
> But here I'm executing the Floor.find method twice and I feel that's
> not very DNY. Now I can think of two things to do. The first one is to
> get the line out of @floors where "a" is true, but I can only think of
> a for loop to do that and I feel there must be a simpler way. Is
> there?
> The second way is a way in which I would use more of the model's
> features. So load the project and all its children (floors and rooms).
> But I cannot find any documentation on that. I want this done the
> Rails way and I really have a feeling that I could easily cut the
> number of database requests. Either way would be fine.
> >

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