Hi Janna,

First, you shouldn't be calling Channel.find(:all,  :order => 'channel
ASC',  :conditions => ['deleted=0']).collect {|p| [ p.channel, p.id ]}

I'd add a named scope to the Channel model like so:

  named_scope :not_deleted, :conditions => {:deleted =>
false }, :order => 'channel ASC'

And then in the controller:
@channels = Channel.not_deleted

Then in your view:
<%= f.select :channel_id, @channels %>

The standard here would be to create the new Ups in a method called
create. By using form_for on a new record rails will automatically
know to post to an action called create so, unless you have a good
reason not to, I'd recommend calling your controller method "create"
and letting Rails behave the way it wants to.

which 'line feed' do you want to remove?



On Jun 24, 4:46 pm, JannaB <mistressja...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have a model ("Ups")  and a corresponding controller
> ("UpsController"). The Ups model has a link to my "channels" toble
> through channel_id
> Everything I am going to do in the given views for Ups have to do with
> using those ups from a selected channel. Thus, I am putting a partial
> at the top of the views, with a select box to choose the channels:
> <div id="uplognavlist">
> <% form_for :ups, :html => {:name => 'channelsform'},:url=>{ :action
> =>"newchannel", :controller =>"ups"} do |f| %>
>     <%= f.label :channel_id %>
>         <%= select("channel", "channel_id", Channel.find(:all,  :order =>
> 'channel ASC',  :conditions => ['deleted=0']).collect {|p|
> [ p.channel, p.id ]}, {:include_blank => true}) %>
>         <%= f.submit "Change" , :class=>'button' %>
> <% end %>
>         <%= links_for_uplog %>
> </div>
> My question is, within my UpsController.newchannel(), how do I access
> the calue of the channel_id that has been selected in the form
> submission?
> Incidentally, if you look at the erb code I put above, there is a line
> feed that gets inserted after the submit button, before the next
> section " links_for_uplog " within the div. How can I not have that?
> Thanks, Janna
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