Mongrel doesn't support SSL, you'll have to disable this on dev mode.

Maurício Linhares |

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Adam
Wilson<> wrote:
> I've just migrated my system over to a new macbook.
> I've been having a nightmare today trying to get the site I'm working on
> to work...
> All gems are in place, MySQL etc.
> However - I am stuck on this error form Mongrel:
> HTTP parse error, malformed request (
> #<Mongrel::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails.>
> The only thing it could be, I think, is we are using the SSL_Requirement
> plugin.
> That is redirecting to an https page and thats the last thing that
> happens before mongrel shows this error.
> I have never seen this before, and google searches are not showing up
> much that is helpful.
> If anyone has any pointers, would be much appreciated!
> Thanks
> --
> Posted via
> >

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