On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Yoann-Z <yoann.zim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem using rspec with my rspec tests with my application.
> I used authlogic to create my athentication system, following the
> video on railscast. It works fine with cucumber, but I always have a
> problem with rspec :
> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in 'ApplUsersController new action
> should render new template'
> SQLite3::SQLException: table appl_users has no column named password:
> INSERT INTO "appl_users" ("created_at", "updated_at", "username",
> "id", "password", "email") VALUES ('2009-06-29 23:01:48', '2009-06-29
> 23:01:48', 'MyString', 996332877, 'MyString', 'MyString')
> In my spec file it is related to these lines :
>  it "new action should render new template" do
>    get :new
>    response.should render_template(:new)
>  end
> I think it is because of my migration file but I'm really not sure
>  def self.up
>    create_table :appl_users do |t|
>      t.string :username
>      t.string :email
>      t.string :crypted_password
>      t.string :password_salt
>      t.string :persistence_token
>      t.timestamps
>    end
>  end
> could you help me please?
> Thanks by advance
> -Yoann-Z

Yoann, you're using crypted_password field in your migration but you're
trying to
insert into a table using the field, password.

Good luck,


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