2009/8/1 karthik k <cse.k.kart...@gmail.com>:
> Hi colin
> On small help
> below is the code or checking for uniquness
> def test_check_for_uniqueness_name
>     post=County.new(:name=>"mynamed",:description=>"mydesc",:region_id=>"3")
>     assert post.valid?, "post was not valid #{post.errors.inspect}"
> post1=County.new(:name=>"sample",:description=>"mydesc",:region_id=>"4")
>      assert post1.valid?, post1.errors.full_messages
>     assert_not_nil post1.errors.on(:name)
>   end
> when i run unit testing
> 1) Failure:
> test_check_for_uniqueness_name(CountyTest) [test/unit/county_test.rb:26]:
> <nil> expected to not be nil.

You have said in the test that you expect post1.errors.on(:name) not
to be nil, but the test fails because it is in fact nil.  Why did you
expect it not to be nil?


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