2009/8/4 Fernando Perez <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>:
> Nailed! It was acts_as_tree the problem. He has been sentenced to an
> unlimited time ban from my app.

That seems surprising as there is so little in acts_as_tree.  Unless
it is an interaction with something else that you have.  Is there a
possibility you could be setting up a loop in the tree somehow?  I
don't know whether that would give the symptom described.  If there is
a flaw in your design that allows a loop to be setup you could get the
same issue with another acts_as..


> Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
>> <soapbox>
>> You probably want awesome_nested_set anyway.
>> </soapbox>
> At the time I was reviewing various options, I should have taken
> awesome_blabla instead of acts_as_messy_tree. Damn!
>> I'm not sure I'd have the patience for all the stuff you've done!
> I have no other choice, as this rails app is my business ;-)
> So remember, acts_as_tree doesn't seem to play nicely with other stuff
> (acts_as_list?), so be careful. I hope this thread wil lsave other
> people days of work.
> Best regards,
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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