On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Sijo Kg

> Hi
> Assume tables are    names, addresses
>     So the junction table should be addresses_names   by default   This
> can be override if needed.. And the join table wont have id column This
> is has_and_belongs_to_many(HABTM)
>     Have you setup relationships properly  If so you can get all the
> addresses corresponding to a name by
> example
> name = Name.first
> name.addresses
> and viceversa
> address = Address.find 1
> address.names
>  And better rename your tables to something like contacts and
> contact_addresses
> Sijo
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >
Hi Sijo

thank you

I will explain the real need

Table 1: agencie

id       name          description
1        agency1      desc1
2        agency2       desc2

Table 2: contract

id       name          description
1        contract1      desc1
2        contract2       desc2

Table 3 : agency_contracts

agency_id  contract_id
1               1
2               1
1               2
2               2

So form the above table you can find one contract can contain any number or

so i need to display as

I think you can under stand inside one contract two agency comes in as it is
in agency_contracts table

I need to write a ror format query and not in sql query(As my client needs)

this is what i need sijo

plz help

Mobile - +91-9894991640

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