bill walton wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 20:39 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
>> All of the above suggestions may be valid, however it does not explain
>> how, once the OP has managed by fair means or foul to get hold of the
>> member object that it manages to mutate between his two uses of it.
> I agree that it does not explain how the object mutated.  In fact, I'm
> relatively sure that that's not what's happening at all.  That's why I
> made the suggestions I did.  If the OP follows them and still gets the
> same results, then there will be something to investigate.
> Best regards,
> Bill

I have just solved a similar problem
I just created my first 2.3.3 rails app to test for a Rails bug that I 
thouight I had found.

I generated some scaffolds and then ran the migrations then went 
straight to the index of one of the migrations to verify that all was OK 
before I started trying to replicate the problem I was having. of gindot 
can't find errors with messages saying that it was lookinmg for id's of 
Routes were ok, params were ok. restarting the server made no difference 
and a full pc reboot helped not a jot.
Out of depseration I re-ran all the migrations and hey presto. All wave 
had noi problems since.

I can only assume that something corrupted the database somewhere.
This may not be your problem but it's worth thinking about trying
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