In your partial, you use the variable post. But post doesn't exist. At
least not as far as I can see. You've sent along a variable @posts and
you will probably have to use that in some kind of for loop.

For example:
<% for post in @posts do %>
  <% div_for post do %>
    <h2><%= link_to_unless_current h(post.title), post %></h2>
    <%= truncate(post.body, :length => 300) %> <br /><br />
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Hope this helps!

Jaap Haagmans

On 9 aug, 00:12, Philip Gavrilos <>
> im getting:  undefined local variable or method `post' for
> #<ActionView::Base:0x2673624>
> where in my code i have the mistake ? please help..
> code at index.html.erb
> <br/>
> <h1>welcome to my weblog!</h1><br/>
> <%= render :partial => "posts/preview", :collection => @posts %><br />
> <%= link_to 'New post', new_post_path %>
> code at   _preview.html.erb
> <% div_for post do %>
>   <h2><%= link_to_unless_current h(post.title), post %></h2>
>   <%= truncate(post.body, :length => 300) %> <br /><br />
> <% end %>
> --
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