Alpha Blue wrote:
> Hehe Marnen, if I could stop overthinking things, you'd make my fiance a 
> happy woman. :)
> One day, perhaps.

:)  I'm not going to get involved in relationship counseling, except to 
say that your fiancée might have a point.  (Then again, mine might say 
similar things about me...)

> Okay, so is there a good resource for production commands that I should 
> become familiar with or a few that are going to be performed a lot?

You're probably going to be doing the same things on your production 
server that you've already been doing on your dev server.  But do check 
out Webmin (as I've suggested a couple of times) if you want a nice 
Web-based general purpose admin tool.  Particularly with the StressFree 
theme, it's great.
As for the rest...well, from your intro posts, it sounds like you're 
more of a sysadmin than I am, so there's probably not a heck of a lot I 
can add, unless it be *nix-specific stuff that you have't had to learn.

> I already have the capistrano commands bookmarked and I'm becoming 
> familiar with them.  Capistrano really is nice once you get it setup 
> properly.

Toldja. :D

> The only commands that I use with rails right now are rake tasks, 
> capistrano commands and that's about it.  Anything else?

Depends on your individual needs, but probably not.  That and general 
server and DB administration should get you a long way.

> Thanks again.
> Take care,

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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