On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Aldo Italo wrote:

> i need to send massive emails to various customers,
> here 2 solutions i have think:
> 1-
> customers = Customer.find(:all, :conditions => "newsletter = 1")
> customers.each do |c|
>  @email = c.email
>  Mailer.deliver_send_newsletter(@subject, @email, @notice_id)
> end
> 2-
> customers = Customer.find(:all, :conditions => "newsletter = 1")
> customers.each do |c|
>  addresses << c.email+", "
> end
> @emails=addresses.join.gsub(/(, )$/, '')
> Mailer.deliver_send_newsletter(@subject, @emails, @notice_id)
> what is the right solution ?

Hard to say without knowing how many customers that query is going to  
return... if it's under a 100 it doesn't matter.  Under a 1000 it  
probably doesn't matter.  If it's 10,000 and it's once a week, neither  
is going to be very fun.  Keep in mind that those queries will  
instantiate however many objects that match... you could suck up a lot  
of memory... at least use the new find/block stuff.

Might want to look into ar_mailer (ruby stuff), bulk_mailer (stand  
alone) and if your volume is high one of the companies that does this  
for a living so you don't have to deal with ending up on aol/msn/ 
yahoo's spam blacklists...


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